Does skip metastasis or other lymph node parameters have additional effects on survival of patients undergoing radical cystectomy for bladder cancer?

Ugurlu O, Baltaci S, Aslan G, Can C, Cal C, Elhan A, Turkeri L, Mungan A.

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Significance of the interval between first and second transurethral resection on recurrence and progression rates in patients with high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with maintenance intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin.

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Identification of patients with microscopic hematuria who are at greater risk for the presence of bladder tumors using a dedicated questionnaire and point of care urine test–a study by the members of Association of Urooncology, Turkey.

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A prospective randomized multicenter study of Turkish Society of Urooncology comparing two different mechanical bowel preparation methods for radical cystectomy.

Aslan G, Baltaci S, Akdogan B, Kuyumcuoğlu U, Kaplan M, Cal C, Adsan O, Turkolmez K, Ugurlu O, Ekici S, Faydaci G, Mammadov E, Turkeri L, Ozen H, Beduk Y.

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Extended pelvic lymph node dissection: before or after radical cystectomy? A multicenter study of the Turkish society of urooncology.

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Bowel preparation and peri-operative management for radical cystectomy in Turkey: Turkish Urooncology Association multicenter survey.

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Reliability of frozen section examination of obturator lymph nodes and impact on lymph node dissection borders during radical cystectomy: results of a prospective multicentre study by the Turkish Society of Urooncology.

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Comparison of the efficacy of single or double intravesical epirubicin instillation in the early postoperative period to prevent recurrences in non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: prospective, randomized multicenter study.

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Reliability of frozen section examination of external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator lymph nodes during radical cystectomy: a multicenter study.

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Public awareness of testicular cancer and self-examination in Turkey: a multicenter study of Turkish Urooncology Society.

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A preoperative prognostic model predicting recurrence-free survival for patients with kidney cancer.

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Can We Predict the Surgical Margin Positivity in Patients Treated with Radical Prostatectomy? A Multicenter Cohort of Turkish Association of Uro-Oncology

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Presence of high grade tertiary Gleason pattern upgrades the Gleason sum score and is inversely associated with biochemical recurrence-free survival.

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Prediction of response to androgen deprivation therapy and castration resistance in primary metastatic prostate cancer.

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Is prophylactic breast radiotherapy necessary in all patients with prostate cancer and gynecomastia and/or breast pain?

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Validation of two preoperative Kattan nomograms predicting recurrence after radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer in Turkey: a multicenter study of the Uro-oncology Society.

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Validation of 2001 Partin tables in Turkey: a multicenter study.

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Complexed prostate specific antigen density is better than the other PSA derivatives for detection of prostate cancer in men with total PSA between 2.5 and 20 ng/ml: results of a prospective multicenter study.

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Development of a quality of life scale specific for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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Quality of life survey following laparoscopic and open radical nephrectomy.

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